Laura's Thoughts and Whatnot

You got it, random thoughts and lots of whatnot.

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Location: Connecticut

I'm a homemaker who dabbles in a variety of arts, including: medieval illumination, sewing, cross-stitch, inkleloom weaving. But I also do a lot of scrapbooking. Lots.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Okay, so yesterday didn't go as planned. I did get the laundry done (all but the last load which is in the dryer). I did clean the dining room, kinda (still needs a little tweaking). I cleaned my bedroom (not on the list, but there were HERDS of dustbunnies rampaging around the room, it HAD to be dealt with!). I also went shopping with Jacquie. We went to Marshalls (so mystery solved, I went to TJ Maxx the other day). They didn't have the jacket that I showed yesterday, day before? But they did have some different ones. This gorgeous one in black with red decorations that did up with just one button. I was actually going to buy that one, but it just didnt lay right over my big butt. I took pics with my camera phone but don't know how to get them off the phone. Maybe Chris can show me tonight. And did you know that there are NO HANGERS to be had at our Wal-Mart? Someone or someones must have been robbed and needed to buy every last one at the Wal-Mart. Ugh. I still have that garb waiting to be hung up. *sigh* Guess it will go back in the garb boxes until hangers can be found. :-P

Oh back to my cleaning, I cleaned the hallway and started on the living room. So, now sewing even attempted yesterday. But cleaning was accomplished. And some shopping. Today the plan was to start on the sewing. But alas, yet again we are foiled. Errands to run this morning, then I'm off to babysit little Miss Frances because she's not feeling well. So it's take Jacquie to work, go to CVS, go get boxes for Aly from Uhaul, come home, throw the roast in the slow cooker, then head out to see Frances.

Today's picture is from 1993 - Aly, our niece Sam, and Jacquie taken at Canada's Wonderland. I love this picture - they were having such a good time that day! Sometimes I miss those days when the girls were young and we could go do the kids stuff. Guess I'll just have to spoil my nieces and nephews until grandkids come along. :-) (Which hopefully won't be for a few years yet!)


Blogger Michel said...

There is something to be said about keeping most of your stuff in storage - 1. I don't have to dust anything, 2. I don't have to clean anything and 3. I don't worry about braking anything. I do miss my stuff though.

So - here is my question. Which is better A. A large house with tons of stuff, or B. A small house with tons of stuff???

10:26 AM  
Blogger Gina said...

A of course!!!

4:36 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

More enjoyable is the large house with lots of stuff. More frustrating is the small house with lots of stuff. The frustration of the too small house and too much stuff has caused us to regularly do the purge thingy. Even *gasp* books! Yes, we've abandoned books. Okay, found them new homes. :-)

Hopefully you'll have that new place soon Michel and place to put all your stuff. But then you have to clean again. I hate to clean. Hate it. :-P

6:36 PM  

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