Laura's Thoughts and Whatnot

You got it, random thoughts and lots of whatnot.

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Location: Connecticut

I'm a homemaker who dabbles in a variety of arts, including: medieval illumination, sewing, cross-stitch, inkleloom weaving. But I also do a lot of scrapbooking. Lots.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Failed Experiment

Well, the Contact Experiment, failed big time. This morning I was having trouble getting the contacts in so I left them out till this afternoon. Then this afternoon I get them in and my eyes are burning and irritated. Take them out, lose one, clean them, put them back in. Frustrated because it's like wearing glasses that are too weak. Last an hour, then decide to take them out. I planned on calling the contact lady in the morning and trying out the contacts for astigmatism. Well, the right contact was a little difficult to get out. The left one, damn near impossible. I was crying it hurt so much and I couldn't get it out and the eye doctor's office was closed. Finally get it out and now I can't see out of either eye properly. I've been putting in drops and trying to rest my eyes. I'm hoping that come the morning they will be back to normal, otherwise I'm off to the optometrist office to see if I did any damage to my eyes. Not fun or fair.

I hope there isn;t too many typos in this, because I can;'t read the screen to check for them. lol This is not a good day for Laura.

I had plans for starting on re-organizing my office. It's cluttered and it's not working out the way it's set-up. I need a good filing cabinet, I think. What I have isn't working very well. Wish I had money because I would have this office custom built to suit my needs. But I don't, so I need to find ways to make it work with what I have. Hopefully once Chris finishes the shelves in the closet that will help. In the meantime, I need to get this desk cleared off, but I can't see.

Yup, I'm a PMS-ing whiner. And I miss my friends and I miss Pennsic and I'm lonely.


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