Laura's Thoughts and Whatnot

You got it, random thoughts and lots of whatnot.

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Location: Connecticut

I'm a homemaker who dabbles in a variety of arts, including: medieval illumination, sewing, cross-stitch, inkleloom weaving. But I also do a lot of scrapbooking. Lots.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Aren't We Cute?

That's me and Frances. She was too funny Thursday evening. I taught her to say Boo-yaa. And being the little drama girl that she is, she then said it in several different voices. I caught some of it on a movie clip, she is too cute, that kid!

The girls, Frances and I met Chris at Cracker Barrell. All Frances would eat was french fries. Cried when I tried to get her to eat a bite of grilled cheese. Real tears. lol I wasn't too concerned about the eating, I knew I could get her to eat something else at home. Oh and when her scoop of ice cream arrived, she snatched the spoon out of Chris' hand and dug in with gusto! She kept busy coloring and playing with the peg game. One of the pegs was smaller than the others and she called it "The Baby" and kept rocking it. :-)

She was overtired by the time we got home and she ate some yogurt. Got real giggly. Then it was bed time routine. Except instead of going to sleep in her bed, she wanted to be held by Laura. I've noticed she wants to cuddle a lot more when we haven't seen each other for a few weeks.

This afternoon Chris, Aly and I spent it hunting through Fabric Place to look for material for making Scythian garb for Coronation. OHMIGAWD I want to slap whoever decided that only Jana and Lucan can wear Red and Gold. LOL! Just kidding. There is soooooo much lovely red, gold, golden, red and gold, oh the list goes on and on of fabric. We'd find something just perfect, but it would be red or gold or both. In the end all I ended up with was black linen. There is a serious lack of nice blue material out there. Which is what we were looking for since we couldn't use red or gold. :-P In the end we were happy to get anything in any color, but nothing really suited what we wanted. I did find some purple material at JoAnn's, but now I'm not sure what to do with it. Chris found this really nice heavy material that looks like a wool and some fake fur for doing a jacket or tunic. I think that I'm going to use the black linen to make a coat and trim it with silver. And make the matching hat. My concern is whether the linen is heavy enough. But at the same time I don't want it too heavy since I'll be inside most of the time that I wear it. Ugh. Sometimes I just hate making garb. :-P

Okay, off to get some groceries - we're out of milk and I must have been told about 20 times today that we need milk. :-P


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