Laura's Thoughts and Whatnot

You got it, random thoughts and lots of whatnot.

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Location: Connecticut

I'm a homemaker who dabbles in a variety of arts, including: medieval illumination, sewing, cross-stitch, inkleloom weaving. But I also do a lot of scrapbooking. Lots.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Whewwww, One Project Done....

I don't know why, but I've got Ireland on my mind. This picture was taken in October 2002, just as we were leaving the grounds of Blarney Castle. We saw this beautiful rainbow, even saw the house it landed on. I wanted to go knock on their door to ask about the pot of gold, but we had to get going. :-)

So, Michel gave us the unicorn project. I did the horn as a joke. Today I finished creating a canvas banner/tapestry of part of my tapestry, Touch. I would've posted a picture of it, but Jana is not allowed to see it yet. :-P Now I've got to write up a paper on it. Not looking forward to that.

Today has been a hectic one. I didn't sleep well - something is off. Not sure what. NBot enough dreams, maybe? Anyhow, took Jacquie to Target for a job interview (she got the job!!! GO JACQ!!!!!). While she was there I went shopping at TJ Maxx, always on the lookout for bargains. :-) Then it was get gas, go get Jacquie, pop home to get a few things, then head to Danbury to get Aly from school. Traffic was JUST LOVELY. :full sarcasm: Got home in time to do a few things before throwing together a roast beef dinner. Yes, you read that, I made a real dinner. I hate cooking. But I do make a good roast beef dinner. :-D Since dinner, I've done three loads of laundry finished the unicorn project and watched the first episode of Ghost Whisperer. Yay! Andrea got to go into the light. I'm such a sap. Did more cleaning. How did I ever get such an exciting life? At least tomorrow I get to play in the leaves with Frances. :-)

Okay, off to write the paper for Michel......and daydream about Ireland.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched Ghost Whisperer to - than and CSI are my guilty TV pleasures. I was so sad to see Andrea go - as silly as the beginning was in the dream sequence, where we were lead to beleive she was just in a comma - I was happy to accept it because I love her character. I'm hoping they'll find a way to keep her around... but "going into the light" makes things a little final, I think.
And who was the guy in Seattle?

12:32 PM  

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