Laura's Thoughts and Whatnot

You got it, random thoughts and lots of whatnot.

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Location: Connecticut

I'm a homemaker who dabbles in a variety of arts, including: medieval illumination, sewing, cross-stitch, inkleloom weaving. But I also do a lot of scrapbooking. Lots.

Friday, September 15, 2006

It's a Sewing Machine Kinda Day

I decided to look through an album for a picture to post today and came across this gem. I have thousands of slides that belong to my grandparents and I've been meaning to scan them for a couple of years now. Well, this is one of them. On Friday nights, my grandfather would babysit us while the ladies went to Bingo. A lot of the time he was outside working in the garage. So we got away with a lot of stuff. But even when he was in the house we got away with stuff.

:-D Like standing on the furniture! And one of our favvorite treats to get was candy cigarettes. Do you remember getting those? Can you imagine if that came out as a candy nowadays? Or a picture like the one on the right of a bunch of kids pretending to be smoking, even having an ashtray for our butts? lol (Oh, that's me in the lovely 70's yellow dress.)

So, today is going to be a busy one! My friend Jenness is coming!!! Yay! So I've got to clean. But I have sewing to do today, too. I found some of the trim from my green dress and some black trim to go around the neckline, so I'm going to sew that on today. Plus work on some other stuff. And take Jacquie to go apply for jobs. And go to Curves. And go grocery shopping. And so on and so one. Nothing quite like being busy. In fact, I have to go, the washing machine is done. :-P


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