Laura's Thoughts and Whatnot

You got it, random thoughts and lots of whatnot.

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Location: Connecticut

I'm a homemaker who dabbles in a variety of arts, including: medieval illumination, sewing, cross-stitch, inkleloom weaving. But I also do a lot of scrapbooking. Lots.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I can't believe that Pennsic is over. I had such a great time, a bit busy at times, but it was wonderful. In the picture to the left is a bunch of us crazy people waiting for EK Court to start on Wednesday. I ended up with 181 pictures from War, and I'm mad at myself for not getting more! I only have 3 pictures of Katie, no picture of Jess and Sarah lookng at the camera, no real picture of Michel, and I could go on and on.

Let's see, I think I'll start at the beginning. We had a nice uneventful drive to Pennsic - Chris drove the entire way and I slept on and off, waking to change the audio tapes of Dragon Song and Dragon Singer (we always listen to audio books on long travels, makes it go by much faster!). We arrived to beautiful weather and lots of friends in camp. :-) Turi made these beautiful loungers for Lucan and Jana - great job Turi!!! Figured out where to set up our camp and we went to it. Sunday, we took Chris to the airport and dropped him off. Then it was off to do some shopping and have lunch. I discovered a Lone Star restaurant and we HAD to eat there. Ugh. It was like the Las Vegas Lone Star. I was soooooo looking forward to chicken fajitas. We had a Lone Star in Richmond Hill, Ontario and the fajitas there were to die for. Yummmmmmm! We did have a nice lunch before doing some shopping.

Jacquie and I were spoiled the first week - a fan in the pavilion and watching dvds. :-) Part way through the week I decided to re-arrange the pavilion. Next year there will be a bit more tweaking but I think I like this set-up. My pictures didn't come out very good of the set-up, though. Next year I will have to try for better shots. :-) One night during Peace Week, people in the Haus ordered pizza, then we watched 13th Warrior projected on the side of Oof's viking a-frame tent. Suzanne and Mairgred walked down from the back of beyond to join us for movie night. :-) That was really nice. I saw Suzanne and Katie so much that first week and all I have to show for it are 3 pictures. :-( Oooh, forgot that Suzanne, Jacquie and I went into totown to do some shopping and have lunch. We went to the Goodwill where we found some goodies. Jacquie discovered a set of Italian cruise menus from the early 70s, the covers were Renaissance masterpieces! For $2.99. I snatched that puppy up quick. I gave one to Michel, I plan on framing a few more, then passing out the rest.

Before I knew it, it was Friday. Time to get Chris from the airport. But that was a huge mess and a pain in the arse-icle. Made it back to camp in time for a bit of a visit before we headed off to Quaker Steak and Lube in Cranberry. Suzanne and Andrew's camp (Arx Ventus) joined us there. I think there was probably a good 50 people together all out on the patio. We had a blast!!!! Thank you Jenness for suggesting this get together!!! And let me tell you - fried pickles are fabulous! Yum!

So much of the rest of War passed in a blur! We had dinner with the Rozakii on Sunday, had a meeting then did Cean's initiation. Monday it was back down to Rozakii for Family Dinner Night. That was really nice. Even with the downpours. Because of course that meant Naked Skull Ball across the road in Dalhraidia. :-D Let's see I had also completed two scrolls by Monday early afternoon. Took on a 4th husband, Dugan. He is such a sweetie! I can't really remember what happened on Tuesday. Oh,in the morning we had a Workshop get together. We had a snack in the food court before heading out to do some shopping. That was really nice. Can't say as I really remember anything else happening that day. lol Wednesday was court. Took lots of pictures. Then it was Midnight Madness. Chris bought me some perfume cream, supposedly it's the recipe that was used to make Cleopatra's cream. :-) Oh and Jenness bought us Hussy mugs earlier in the week. Cause we have been HUSSIES this week! Naughty, naughtym, girls. Eilis is going to be sooooo jealous when she hears how many butts we have touched this week. ;-P We've even started writing down the names. :-D And I got some fabulous stuff while shopping - a basket backpack, been wanting one of those for years!, plus a new scribal book and a tea pot. Amber is discontinuing the Newgrange line and I had to buy an over-the-top handle tea pot. Wish I had the money to have gotten a casserole dish as well. :-( Next year on my shopping list is new shoes. Demi and Fygen bought these really nice gillie shoes and now I want a pair! :-)

By Friday, my mind was mush. Started packing in the morning. Spent part of the afternoon in Rozakii. Before I knew it, it was dinner time, then Haus Circle. Had to miss the end of that in order to drive down to Rozakii for Khagan's Court (got there right on time!). By the time we got back to camp, we were tired. Sat up chatting with folk until Jacquie got back from babysitting.

Saturday morning it was a whirlwind of nearly everyone packing and giving hugs goodbye! Today I am so tired and just having a hard time getting going. I think I need a little caffeine, a shower and need to start tackling this unpacking. And writing down notes for next year so that I don't forget what I want to do then! ...........................


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